If you want all the courses, you can choose this bundle, where you will get all access to the whole shebang. All the exercises are fantastic for both beginner and experienced players. The exercises follow the Ravid Method – A unique and easy-to-follow system,
The value of this bundle is € 207 if purchased one by one. Your special price for these four courses is only € 149. You save more than 25% by purchasing this bundle, and we even add a bonus gift.
Bonus: Value € 39
There is a lot of background knowledge everybody who plays the handpan should know. We have a whole course about the instrument's secrets, the invention's story, and my personal story with it. It holds info on the technicalities of reading written handpanmusic and how the instrument was built, how to maintain it and how to handle it in your everyday life at home and out and about with your music. We find this knowledge so important that we want to gift it to you.
HandpanCourses.com is part of the Cursuteca Online Course Network. Cursuteca is a family-run business, created by a full-time-traveling digital nomad family. You can follow our adventures @TheConradFamily.